Spinal Flow Technique
Your innate intelligence to heal
The Spinal Flow Technique ("Spinal Flow") is a powerful modality that facilitates rebalancing of the body and its function without manually adjusting the spine. It consists of light touches on specific points on the body that consists of dura mater, a membrane that protects the brain and spinal cord. Spinal Flow is cutting edge science and healing arts.
Founded by Dr Carli Axford, the Spinal Flow Technique is a very specific technique based on the 7 gateways of the spine and 33 access points which facilitate healing via the nervous system.
We have helped clients with pain, stiffness, digestive issues, sleep issues, anxiety, headache, teeth grinding, hyperactivity, digestive issues, autism, self-regulation, eczema, inflammation issues, stress, tics, fibromyalgia, spinal issues and more.
Spinal Flow finds, identifies and releases layers of physical, chemical and emotional-mental tension, effecting ease in the body. It also uncovers stored trauma that’s been in the body for a long time, causing blockages, disease and illness. This hidden trauma resides in the spine or the nervous system; finding it allows the person to feel and discard it so that it doesn’t continue to block them in life.
Spinal Flow facilitates rebalancing our nervous system by restoring our parasympathetic nervous system, which activates our innate ability to self-regulate, release stress, heal and regenerate.
As a result of exploring Spinal Flow, people experience a Spinal Flow healing wave where every cell of the body feels connected and free.
After each session you will experience more energy and ease, enjoy more restful sleep, focus and mental clarify, and an overall feeling of well-being.
Spinal Flow is a fully approved technique, fully accredited by the International Institute of Complementary Therapist.
The Benefits of Spinal Flow
Calms the nervous system, relieving anxiety and promoting relaxation
Improves immune function and your resilience towards illness and stress
Improves focus and mental clarity
Relieves daily stress from work, school, family, etc.
Reduces stiffness, aches and pain
Regulates breathing and improve oxygenation to the brain and body
Reduces muscle spasm
Increases nutrient flow and improves digestive function
Encourages tissue regeneration in our brain and body